FEMEN accuses Facebook of deleting its account groundlessly

Facebook administrators deleted the account of FEMEN International from its social network, which had over 80,000 supporters, FEMEN representative Anna Gutsol said.
"This is the second incident of discrimination regarding the female movement by [Facebook founder Mark] Zuckerberg's staff. A year ago Facebook deleted a 170,000 strong FEMEN fan page. If the first time Facebook accused FEMEN of pornography peddling, this time the reasons for deleting the account were not explained at all," FEMEN said in a statement on Tuesday.
Facebook's actions are related to the campaign against censorship of women's breast in Facebook and Instagram, FEMEN said. "Women's nudity has always been a symbol of freedom and making an attempt at it is equal to making an attempt against human freedom and rights," the statement said.
FEMEN said it was outraged by "repressive actions" of Facebook regarding women's nudity and women's right for political and social self-expression.