14:41 05.07.2019

Agriculture ministry compensates UAH 383 mln to farmers under livestock breeding program

2 min read
Agriculture ministry compensates UAH 383 mln to farmers under livestock breeding program

Ukraine's Agricultural Policy and Food Ministry as of July 4, 2019 sent UAH 382.6 million to farmers under the livestock breeding support program, the press service of the ministry has reported.

According to the report on the ministry's website, in particular, from December 2018 to May 2019, agricultural producers received UAH 4.4 million in partial compensation of the interest rate on bank loans. The support program was used by three business entities operating in the field of aquaculture, fur farming and beekeeping.

In addition, agricultural producers also received UAH 13.7 million in compensation for the cost of construction and reconstruction of livestock farms and complexes, milking ssections, enterprises for processing agricultural products in terms of expenses financed by bank loans. The support was used by five business entities operating in the field of pig and poultry farming.

In addition, in January-June 2019, UAH 364.5 million was transferred for partial compensation of the cost of livestock facilities, enterprises for storage and processing of agricultural products. Nine business entities benefited from the support.

In the national budget for 2019, under the state agrarian and industrial complex programs, UAH 800 million are provided to support farmers, UAH 244.5 million are loans to farms, UAH 127.2 million are cheaper loans for farmers, UAH 400 million are provided for hop growing, laying young gardens, vineyards and berry planting. The program to support livestock, storage and processing of agricultural products, as well as fish farming in 2019, envisages UAH 3.5 billion (of which UAH 700 million each for raising calves and for keeping cows).

The program of financial support for agricultural producers (subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery, equipment, cars) is about UAH 881.8 million. Of these, partial compensation for the cost of agricultural machinery and equipment made in Ukraine is UAH 681.79 million, special vehicles for the transportation of grain, equipment for the production of bioethanol and electricity from biomass, which were purchased from domestic producers – UAH 200 million.