10:29 12.03.2021

Despite fakes in media, we adequately develop algorithm for distance learning - Shkarlet

2 min read
Despite fakes in media, we adequately develop algorithm for distance learning - Shkarlet

Minister of Education and Science Serhiy Shkarlet says that, despite various fakes in social networks and the media, the authorities were still able to adequately work out an algorithm for distance learning during the quarantine period due to the spread of COVID-19.

"I want to thank all teachers, education seekers and their parents for having adequately overcome and are now overcoming all the challenges that the pandemic poses to us. Thank you for your prompt adaptation to completely new, one might say, extreme conditions during the educational process. I am pleased to state the fact that, despite various fakes in social networks and the media, we were still able to adequately develop an algorithm for working with distance learning," the press service of the ministry quotes Shkarlet.

The Minister said that Ukrainian authorities have successfully coped with the challenge posed by the quarantine in the field of distance education and were able to take another step towards the complete digitalization of education.

"Together with the heads of Regional State Administration, directors of regional departments of education and science, with teachers, parents and education seekers, we coped with the challenge, which actually became the next step for us on the way to digitalization of education in Ukraine and we are not going to stop in this direction," Shkarlet said.

He also said that face-to-face learning is certainly much "better and more effective", but the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic are driving the creation of quality distance learning platforms.

According to the report, at the moment, the development of the mobile application All-Ukrainian School Online for iOS and Android and the teacher's office on the site continues.

"In spring of 2021 the All-Ukrainian School Online will become a single online platform for school education, where it will be possible to create content, gather in virtual classes, set and adjust scores, track progress and report. Now the platform is used by almost 140,000 students, teachers and parents," the department reports.