
Intergal-Bud implements updated inclusive solutions in residential complex projects, partially in finished houses

New projects of residential complexes of the Intergal-Bud construction company are being implemented taking into account updated building standards in terms of inclusivity, while in existing buildings additional technical means are used to adapt design solutions to new requirements, Intergal-Bud Commercial Director Hanna Layevska said.

"The company's new projects, which are preparing to enter the market in the near future, are implemented according to inclusion standards in accordance with the current state building standards adopted in 2022. We are talking about increasing the width of corridors in residential buildings, the width of the flight, as well as changes to the design of apartments," Layevska told Interfax-Ukraine.

According to the new standards, each apartment will be equipped with at least one combined bathroom with an area of ​​4.9 square meters. The depth of the balcony (loggia) will be at least 1.5 meters, interior corridors, hallway and utility rooms will be wider.

In addition, conditions for the movement of people with limited mobility around the territory of the residential complex will be improved: improved visual navigation, entrances to the building, if possible, are equipped at ground level or ramps and lifting devices are installed.

In completed houses, similar measures are applied, where it is possible to adapt existing design solutions.

"With regard to existing projects, we implement reasonable adaptation. This is the use of auxiliary technical measures and mechanisms that adapt design solutions to updated requirements and facilitate the movement of groups with limited mobility. This is, for example, the installation of gentle ramps in places where the design does not provide for entrance from the level land," Layevska said.

The Intergal-Bud construction company has been operating in the residential real estate market since 2003. The company has built 170 houses, with 20 residential properties at the implementation stage. The total area of ​​the projects is 4.6 million square meters. Since the beginning of 2024, the developer has commissioned facilities with a total area of ​​180,000 square meters.
