12:46 22.08.2016

Competition agency fines Austrian company for buying stake in Diamantbank, allows share purchase

2 min read
Competition agency fines Austrian company for buying stake in Diamantbank, allows share purchase

Ukraine's Antimonopoly Committee has fined Aramis Management (Vienna, Austria) for acquisition of over 50% of shares in Inter-Vent LLC and Techno-Invest LLC that grants the indirect purchase of up to 50% of shares in Diamantbank (all based in Kyiv) and permitted the company to buy the shares, the committee has said in a press release.

The fine was UAH 85,000. The fine is imposed twice for purchase of over 50% in Inter-Vent LLC and over 50% of Techno-Invest LLC.

According to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), as of July 25, 2016, the share of Inter-Vent LLC and Techno-Invest LLC of the charter capital of Diamantbank was 24.8% each, and Aramis Management held 1% in each company.

The only beneficiary of Aramis Management was Austrian citizen Florian Koschat.

Participants of Inter-Vent LLC are Ihor Kerez and Andriy Schukin with equal shares – 49.5% each, and that for Techno-Invest LLC – Viacheslav Tsyhanenko and Kerez with 49.5% each.

Diamantbank was registered by the NBU in November 1993. According to the bank, as of March 25, 2016 its largest shareholders were Ihor Kerez (46.48% indirectly), Davyd Zhvaniya (23.81%), Andriy Schukin and Viacheslav Tsyhanenko (12.28% each indirectly).

The bank ranked 21st among 109 operating banks as of April 1, 2016, in terms of total assets worth UAH 7.725 billion, according to the NBU.