
Number of enemy attacks slightly decreases in Kupyansk axis – Ukrainian Ground Forces

After the enemy forces were repulsed in the Kupiansk axis, the number of attacks slightly decreased there, Head of the Public Liaison Office of the Ukrainian Ground Forces Command Volodymyr Fityo has said.

"Russian occupiers have become more active along the entire line in the area of responsibility of the Khortytsia Operational and Strategic Group. They attack both the Lyman-Kupyansk and Bakhmut axes. They were repulsed in Kupiansk axis and, hence, the number of attacks slightly decreased there as compared to the previous period," he said on the national telethon on Friday.

In the past 24 hours, seven enemy attacks were repulsed in Kupyansk axis and six in Lyman axis, Fityo said, adding that the hostilities took place in the vicinity of Synkivka, Petropavlivka, Stelmakhivka, and Serebrianske Forestry.

"The Russian occupation forces continue to use aircraft, particularly bombarding, helicopter gunships, drop high-explosive aerial bombs on Ukrainian positions, this refers to the Serebrianske Forestry," he said.

The enemy also actively uses kamikaze drones, in particular it launched 24 such drones in the Lyman-Kupyansk axis during the past day. The enemy mounted 694 artillery attacks on Ukrainian defense positions on this direction.

"It was a successful day for the liquidation of Russian occupiers. Some 344 occupiers were destroyed in the past 24 hours, and 60 types of military equipment of the occupiers were damaged or destroyed, including five tanks and five armored combat vehicles," the official said.

"As for the Bakhmut axis, the Ukrainian defenders repulsed 21 enemy attacks there. The hostilities took place in the vicinity of Bohdanivka, Klischiyivka, and Andriyivka. One air strike was inflicted. Some 25 kamikaze drones were launched and 560 artillery attacks were mounted to attack our defenders," he said, adding that the Ukrainian defenders destroyed 176 occupiers, one tank and one armored combat vehicle of the enemy in this direction.
