
Ukrainian Foreign Ministry condemns torture of Ukrainian citizen Rabeshko in Belarus

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns the torture of Ukrainian citizen Pavlo Rabeshko by the Belarusian execution authorities during his detention on July 3 in Stolin, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Oleh Nikolenko has said.

"Ukrainian diplomats were in constant contact with Pavlo after his release and provided him with assistance to safely leave the territory of Belarus," he told Interfax-Ukraine on Friday.

Nikolenko added that the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry calls on the authorities in Belarus to stop repressions against citizens, release all political prisoners and guarantee unconditional observance of fundamental human rights.

"We also recommend Ukrainians to weigh the risks when planning trips to Belarus," the spokesperson said.

On July 3, a Ukrainian citizen with a residence permit in Belarus, Pavlo Rabeshko, was detained in Stolin, Belarus. He was released the same day. After that, he said that he was tortured by officers of the Belarusian State Security Committee (KGB).
