
Deputy parliament speaker Gerashchenko hopes anti-corruption law, military court law to be adopted by Feb 2018

First Deputy Speaker of the Ukrainian parliament Iryna Gerashchenko has said she counts on parliament adopting in its first reading a draft law on the anti-corruption court and a draft law on the military court before the end of the current parliament session (by February 2018).

"I am sure that before the end of this Rada session (before the end of January 2018) we will adopt, at least in its first reading, a bill on the anti-corruption court and on the military court. The latter is just as important, taking into consideration the war and soldiers are operating in exceptional circumstances, and if there are violations, they must be adjudicated by a special court, taking into account the actual situation," Gerashchenko said on Facebook on Monday.

She also said she supports the creation of normal conditions for the independent work of all anti-corruption and law-enforcement agencies, emphasizing that their activities must be "independent of politician and political operatives, officials and the non-governmental sector."

"The Rada has adopted the required legislation, budget outlays for which structures have been foreseen in the 2018 state budget," she said.

Gerashchenko said she is also concerned about economic growth.

"Therefore, it's important to adopt the law on privatization and focus on deregulation, and to have the political will to pass a law on land privatization."

Human rights is another key area, she said.

"I think the parliament should pay more attention to human rights. It is just as important as the war against corruption. So people can feel changes," she said.
