
Delays in trial of Russian servicemen in Kyiv do not improve Savchenko's situation

The trial of Alexander Alexandrov and Yevgeny Yerofeyev, servicemen of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, is not directly linked to the trial of MP Nadia Savchenko in Russia.

However, an excessive delay of the case of the GRU officers won't help improve Savchenko's situation, her lawyer Ilya Novikov has said.

"I am convinced that Russian authorities are not very interested in the future of Alexandrov and Yerofeyev. In this sense, synchronization [of Russian and Ukrainian trials] would be important only if we had pre-agreed terms that such an exchange [of Alexandrov and Yerofeyev for Savchenko] will take place as soon as the sentences came into force. As far as I know, there are no official agreements, although there are prerequisites, there are negotiations," he said on the Shuster Live program on Tuesday night.

At the same time, the lawyer noted that the Russian state prosecution dragged out Savchenko's trial several times. "[One gets] the feeling that they are watching, [coordinating] so as not to go too much ahead"

Novikov also said he traveled to the United States recently and discussed Savchenko's plight with U.S. politicians and officials.

"I returned from the United States with a strong belief that Americans are aware of the situation with Savchenko. Earlier, this understanding was expressed in soft words, however, as her verdict approaches, language becomes stronger. Besides, there is an impression that it becomes a media story: four [presidential] candidates have already insisted on Savchenko's release in their election campaigns," Novikov said.

Summarizing the results of his trips to the U.S. and Ukraine, he said there were "signals of hope."
