
Facebook: Altman says he is ready to return TVi to Kagalovsky

Businessman Oleksandr Altman has said he is ready to return the TVi television channel to Konstantin Kagalovsky, who has disputed in court his right to ownership of the channel.

The document with the text of Altman's evidence in the High Court of Justice in England during the trial between the businessmen was published by journalist Denys Bihus on his Facebook page.

"I would finally like to make it clear to the court that I would be more than happy to be put back into the position I was in before I was approached by Mr. Radchenko [director for security at TVi Oleg Radchenko was a mediator in the deal] in April of this year. Mr. Kagalovsky is saying that he had no knowledge of the proposal that Mr Radchenko made to me on his behalf, and if this is true, and it I had known it at the time, I certainly would not have agreed to it," Altman said in court.

"Regardless of the difficulties I have had with Mr Kagalovsky in the past, I would never have agreed to participate in any scheme to deprive him unlawfully of his shares in Media Info or anything else," the businessman said.

"These committal proceedings have cost me a very substantial amount of money, and I do not believe Mr Kagalovsky had any justification whatsoever for issuing them against me. While my reputation has certainly been damaged by his allegations, which I am expecting him to withdraw, other than the cost of these proceedings I have not suffered any financial loss as a result of the failure of this venture," Altman said.

"Given the events that unfolded as soon as I had agreed to become an investor in TVi I obviously did not invest any capital in the channel," he added.

"I therefore confirm that I would gladly submit to any order of this court which nullifies my purported appointment as a director of Balmore Invest Limited and the five Invest companies," the businessman said.

At the same time, the document with Altman's testimony does not have his signature.

As reported, on April 23, 2013, the press service of TVi reported that Artem Shevchenko had been appointed the new director general of the channel, replacing Natalia Katerynchuk. The new investor in the channel is prominent U.S. businessman Oleksandr Altman, who said his priority is to save the television channel as an objective source of information in Ukraine.

Altman said that he is the end beneficiary of Balmore Invest Limited (London), which holds a 95% in Media Info LLC, the 100% owner of TeleRadioSvit television and radio broadcasting company LLC (the TVi Channel).

Kagalovsky said that the television channel was illegally seized and he did not sign any papers on the sale of the channel, and that the documents were fabricated.

The journalists of the channel announced a strike and pushed forward own claims: to stop interference in their work, to name the real owners of the channel and not to dismiss anyone.

After a one-week strike, over 30 journalists gave notice that they were leaving their jobs.

Katerynchuk later said that on May 8, the High Court of Justice in England decided to ban London-based Balmore Invest Limited from carrying out activities related to the sale of the TVI Channel.

At the same time, Balmore Invest Limited's beneficiary, Altman, said that claims that the High Court of England issued a ruling on a lawsuit lodged by Konstantin Kagalovsky and Wilcox Ventures Ltd. to ban Balmore Invest Limited from carrying out activity with the shares of Media Info, (a company owned by the TVi Channel), are untrue. He confirmed that there was such a lawsuit by Kagalovsky and Wilcox Ventures. However, the High Court of England issued no ruling on this lawsuit, Altman said.

According to the TVi press service, it became known that Kagalovsky was obliged to make a $500,000 deposit to start litigation as there was no evidence of Kagalovsky's relation to Wilcox Ventures Ltd. Kagalovsky said that he would provide the evidence later.
