
Bohatyriova: Ukraine to create modern blood bank, Ukrainian analogs to gradually substitute imported medicine

A modern blood bank will be created in Ukraine, and imported medicine will be gradually by substituted with Ukrainian equivalents, Health Minister Raisa Bohatyriova said during an enlarged government sitting with the participation of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

She said that a strategy of import replacement would be in operation this year, and a blood service and modern blood bank will be created.

"The new government's program foresees the implementation of 38 European regulations and directives to create a system of medicine quality guarantees and safety. Due to the elaboration of mechanisms to transfer technologies for vaccine production, and the development of medicines to treat AIDS and cancer, we're planning to attract the newest technologies to the pharmaceutical sector, to widen the list of the national drugs by 20%, and decrease their cost by 10%. It'll allow the start of production in Ukraine of medicine that today is only imported," the minister said.

According to her, the implementation of the strategy is based on the principles of state-private partnership.

Bohatyriova also noted that starting from 2012 a new European-style mechanism of control over price policies for medicine is being introduced.

"The list of such medicines will be lengthened this year and will constantly extend in the coming years. The government envisaged UAH 191 million for reimbursement for this year," she stated.

Moreover, the minister said that new devices to diagnose and treat people with cardiovascular diseases and cancer would be developed.

"Everything will be done to prevent the entrance of medicinal products that not match the safety demands of the domestic market," the minister said.
