
National Commission on Standards of State Language approves text of standard ‘Ukrainian as foreign language. A1 – C2 levels’

The National Commission on State Language Standards has approved the text of the state language standard "Ukrainian as a foreign language. A1 – C2 general levels."

"The creation of this standard was a thorough, painstaking, thorough and rather lengthy process, which has now reached the final stage. Ahead is the procedure for approving and state registration of the state language standard as a normative document, which will also become the first experience of such work for the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, because the authorities in Ukraine have not yet registered language standards," the National Commission said.

It is expected that the standard of the state language is "Ukrainian as a foreign language. The general proficiency levels A1 – C2" will be a reliable basis for those who teach Ukrainian all over the world, publish textbooks and manuals, create tests on Ukrainian as a foreign language, develop curricula, organize schools and courses for everyone who wants to learn Ukrainian.

In turn, the Commissioner for the Protection of the state language Taras Kremin welcomed the approval of the text of the standard.

"This decision is a significant step for the approval and popularization of the Ukrainian language abroad. I am convinced that this will significantly increase the number of people willing to learn the language of Heroes in the world, and will also guarantee the Ukrainian status as the official language of the European Union," the language Ombudsman said.
