Ombudsperson to prepare report on compliance with electoral law during Rada elections
The Office of Verkhovna Rada Human Rights Commissioner Valeria Lutkovska will prepare a report on the observance of electoral rights of Ukrainians during the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
"We are preparing a report," Lutkovska said at a briefing on Monday.
She said that her office is not a participant in the electoral process and had no way to monitor the observance of electoral rights of Ukrainians at polling stations.
She added, however, that the Human Rights Commissioner's Office has received information about the electoral process from different non-governmental organizations. This information was summarized and divided into two parts: the problems that occurred due to misunderstandings and misinterpretation of the electoral law, as well as problems that are systemic in nature, and are related to the imperfect electoral law, Lutkovska said.
She said that the latter problems could be settled by the new parliament through amending the legislation.
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