Kyivteploenergo conducts training on deployment of mobile boiler houses, reconnection of heat sources to alternative power supply
The municipal enterprise Kyivteploenergo, as part of large-scale exercises of city services, modeled the prompt connection of important social facilities to mobile boiler houses in the event of a shutdown of large heat sources.
“During massive missile attacks, more than twenty mobile boiler houses can be used to heat hospitals and other critical social institutions,” the company said on Wednesday.
Training on the operational deployment of such boiler houses was conducted at the Kyiv City Center for Radiation Protection of the Population from the Consequences of the Chornobyl Disaster.
The company informed that two mobile boiler houses on truck platforms were delivered and connected to the input of hospital heating networks. In the event of an emergency, boiler houses can operate autonomously and heat hospitals. The thermal power of the mobile boiler house is 600 kW (or more than 0.5 Gcal/hour) - it produces temperature of up to 80°C. In addition, the temperature can be adjusted depending on weather conditions. The boiler room is equipped with a generator.
“The main advantages of mobile boiler houses are autonomy, automation and energy efficiency. By placing them directly next to the consumer building, heat loss is minimized and the reliability of heat supply is increased,” the company noted.
In addition, the company also worked out the prompt switching of heat source equipment to alternative power sources - generators.
“We would like to remind you that more than 60% of Kyivteploenergo boiler houses are already equipped with generators that provide stable heat supply during power outages,” it emphasized.