Nova Poshta almost quintuples net profit in H1 2023
The net profit of Nova Poshta LLC for the first half of 2023 amounted to UAH 2.403 billion, which is almost five times higher than in the first half of 2022 (UAH 483.9 million), according to the company's updated rating at the level of "uaAA" from the rating agency Standard-Rating.
According to it, the revenue of Nova Poshta in January-June increased by 83.9% to UAH 16.744 billion.
It is also indicated that the company's EBITDA profit in the first half of 2023 also grew strongly - more than 2.2 times, to UAH 2.910 billion.
"An analysis of the statements for the first half of 2023 indicates: a high level of coverage of obligations by equity capital, a very high share of retained earnings in the equity structure, an increase in business volumes, significant financial results, as well as a high level of coverage of the company's obligations by its income," noted the rating agency.
It clarified that in the first half of 2023, this improvement in performance allowed to increase the ratio of EBITDA to long-term and current liabilities from 14.33% to 28.04%, and the same indicator for EBIT profit from 5.21% to 17.72%.
According to the publication, the equity capital of Nova Poshta for the first half of 2023 increased by 36.9%, to UAH 8.919 billion, while liabilities increased by only 12.4%, to UAH 10.379 billion.
It is indicated that the growth of equity, as in previous periods, occurred due to an increase in the volume of retained earnings in its structure: for the first two quarters of 2023, it increased by 37.1% and as of July 1, 2023, its share in equity increased to 99.6%.
According to the information, the receivables of Nova Poshta in the first half of 2023 increased by 46.5%, to UAH 3.304 billion, while accounts payable increased by 18.1%, to UAH 8.592 billion, and free cash - by 12.6%, to UAH 758.2 million.
In general, the company's assets in the first half of this year increased by 22.5% - up to UAH 19.298 billion, and fixed assets - by 10.5%, to UAH 7.562 billion.