
DTEK Energy loses UAH 6 bln from damage to its TPPs as result of Russian attacks during autumn-season period

Direct losses from damage and destruction of DTEK Energy facilities as a result of 30 attacks by Russian aggressors during the autumn-winter period of 2022/2023 reach UAH 6 billion, Ildar Saleev, CEO of the company, said.

"For the employees of DTEK Energy, the last winter was associated with considerable trials. The company's power engineers were attacked by the enemy 30 times. Three people died, 28 were injured. More than a thousand pieces of TPP equipment were damaged, direct losses amount to UAH 6 billion," said Saleev, whose words are given in the company's release on Wednesday.

At the same time, summing up the results of the autumn-winter period, which is coming to an end, he noted that over the 5.5 months of its duration, the company had repaired nine power units of thermal power plants, put into operation 14 new coal longwalls, manufactured nine coal combines and 357,000 spare parts and components, as well as 181,000 tonnes of coal were shipped for the needs of the state thermal generation.

In total, according to his calculations, DTEK Energy produced 7.8 billion kWh of electricity during the autumn-winter period, which is equivalent to the average consumption of 2.6 million families during the year.

"Whatever is ahead, the Ukrainians can do it. We've passed this winter - we'll pass anything!" Saleev expressed his confidence, noting that the company started preparing for the new autumn-winter period two months ago.
