
S&P raises Ukraine National Scale Ratings to 'uaBBB' on criteria change

S&P Global Ratings has raised its long-term national scale ratings on Ukraine to 'uaBBB' from 'uaBBB-' and removed the UCO designation from the ratings.

"Our global scale issuer and issue credit ratings on Ukraine are not affected by today's rating action," S&P said.

On April 20, 2018, S&P Global Ratings affirmed its 'B-/B' long- and short-termforeign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on Ukraine. The outlook is stable.

According to the report, the next scheduled rating publication on Ukraine will be on Oct. 19, 2018.

S&P recalled that National scale ratings express its opinion of the creditworthiness of an issuer or a debt instrument relative to other issuers and issues in a given country. The purpose is to provide a rank-ordering of credit risk within the country.
