
Businessman Yaroslavsky buying INGO Ukraine insurer

DCH Group of Oleksandr Yaroslavsky is acquiring INGO Ukraine insurance company (Kyiv).

DCH said in a press release that the documents to buy 25% of shares in the company have been signed. The formal procedures to finalize the deal are underway. The future strategy of DCH Group towards the asset aims at boosting the stake in the company to 100%.

"Why did I buy? The economy must be boosted and money must be invested in the country. Foreign investors would not come if they do not see that there is life inside, if they see that Ukrainian business is investing, not running away. Why it was INGO? In January we managed to launch Kharkiv Tractor Plant. We have established the production process. Tractors have started leaving conveyors. It has become boring and we have bought INGO. We will move forward – asset by asset," businessman Yaroslavsky said.

The national commission for financial service markets regulation on March 21, 2017 permitted Lovington Holdings Limited (Cyprus) to acquire 24.99% of shares in INGO Ukraine.

The regulator said that the shares were directly bought by the company.

Earlier Russia-based INGO international insurance group sold all its insurance assets in Ukraine: INGO Ukraine and INGO Ukraine Life. 14 European companies bought the companies of the group in Ukraine.
