
Kyiv authorities want to bring own company Kyivteploenergo to heat market

Kyiv authorities intend to bring own municipal enterprise Kyivteploenergo to the thermal energy market in Kyiv, the press service of Kyiv City State Administration has stated.

"Kyivteploenergo is intended to become a full-fledged player in the capital thermal energy market. The company will be engaged in maintenance of heat networks and equipment, ensure supply of heat and hot water to Kyiv residents... The city authorities plan to begin the de-monopolization of the market," Deputy Head of Kyiv City State Administration Petro Panteleyev said.

The decision to set up Kyivteploenergo was made in 2006, however, in fact the company has not operated.

"Now the city authorities have conducted all the necessary preparatory work to invigorate its activities. The company will work with PJSC Kyivenergo (owned by DTEK of Rinat Akhmetov) and Euro-Reconstruction LLC (operates Darnytsia combined heat and power plant, controlled by Anatoliy Shkrybliak), which will allow to compare the activities of private and municipal enterprises working in the same conditions," the report says.
