Rate of using unlicensed software by Ukrainian authorities remains at 60-80% - USTR
The rate of using unlicensed software in the Ukrainian government remains unacceptably high, at 60-80%, according to Special 301 Report on protection of U.S. intellectual property rights across the world published by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR).
According to the document, Ukraine has taken some preliminary steps to reduce the use of unlicensed software by Ukrainian government agencies. For example, unlicensed software used by one of the pilot government agencies was reduced by more than 50%.
"The overall piracy rate in the Ukrainian government remains unacceptably high, at 60-80%," USTR said.
According to the document, the United States expects the Ukrainian government to set an example for its citizens and business community by legalizing the software used in its own operations, and requiring high levels of transparency in other IPR-related operations, such as its management of royalty collecting societies.
The United States looks forward to the new government turning its attention to addressing these long-standing problems. Tangible progress in this area will demonstrate that Ukraine is a stable and attractive investment climate.