
Ukraine climbs from 32nd to 8th position in Syngenta Global Business in 15 years

Ukraine has climbed from 32nd to 8th position in the Syngenta Global Business ranking in 15 years, Syngenta in Ukraine Director General Gebhard Rogenhofer said at the international forum devoted to the operation of export-credit agencies on Thursday.

"If we take a look at the development phenomenon that we had since 2001, in 2001 Ukraine was 32nd in Syngenta Global Business, and last year the country was eighth. I'm sure that this year our financial indicator will be seventh," he said.

He said that the company will continue to invest in Ukraine to provide affordable seeds and crop protection agents to farmers.

"We believe in this market, our managers believe in this market, the board of directors believes in this market… We will invest in Ukraine," he said.

Rogenhofer added that in 2015, Syngenta opened the first in the CIS Seed Protection Institute (Dnipropetrovsk region) and research stations in other regions of the country.

In 2016, the company plans to boost commodity financing.

He said that in 2011, 20 employees worked in Ukraine, and in 2015- 350 people.

Syngenta is one of the global leaders in seed and crop protection agent production. Over 28,000 employees work in over 90 countries. Its production and research facilities are located in Swtizerland, UK, the U.S., China and India.
