Naftogaz reorganization to be finished by April 2017 - Kobolev
The reorganization of Naftogaz Ukrainy in line with market requirements will be finished by April 2017, company CEO Andriy Kobolev said in an interview on Radio Svoboda.
"There is a plan [to reform Naftogaz]. It has been sent to the Cabinet of Ministers and partially approved, for instance, in part of the corporate reform of Naftogaz as a parent company. Part of this plan is also the so called "unbundling plan": the Ukrainian gas transportation system will be a separate company, on which Naftogaz will have no impact. We are also preparing a plan on reorganizing other companies belonging to the group of Naftogaz by April 2017 to achieve the target structure that meets the requirements of the market," he said.
As reported, previously Naftogaz Development Director Yuriy Vitrenko stated in the media that the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry and some other agencies hamper the implementation of the plan for the reform of corporate governance at Naftogaz, due to which the issue of a loan by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is delayed.