
Antonov signs memos on promotions of products to Saudi Arabian market with Taqnia Aeronautics

Antonov State Enterprise and Taqnia Aeronautics on November 12, 2015 signed two memorandums of understanding at the Dubai Airshow 2015 to promote four An−148−100EM medical aircraft, four ISR (intelligence search and rescue) and two Jamming versions of the An−132 aircraft in the Saudi Arabian market.

"Cooperation with Saudi Arabia is very important for us. Our experience, which we are gaining together on fitting the AN−132 with Western engines and avionics, should be continued on other modern Antonov aircraft including the An−148, An−158 and An−178 aircraft," Antonov said in a press release, citing its head Mykhailo Hvozdev.

Taqnia Aeronautics President Ali Mohammed Al-Ghamdi said that there is demand for An−132, An−148−100EM and An−178 aircraft in Saudi Arabia.

"Promotion of new versions of the An−132 will assist us in study of the potential customers’ requirements for ISR and Jamming aircraft," he said.

"Also we are starting work with Antonov Company on the composite and metallic materials to develop technical cooperation," he said.

The company said that the memos were signed in the presence of Prince Turki bin Saud Mohammed Al−Saud and the president of KACST (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology).

During the exhibition, Antonov’s stand was visited by other official representatives of Saudi Arabia, including Saudi Air Force, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of National Guard, and Medevac delegations.

The prince drew attention to the advanced program of development and construction of new light transport An−132 aircraft which is being utilized jointly by Antonov, KACST and Taqnia Aeronautics company with participation of aerospace industry leaders.
