Ukraine imports gas from Europe under contracts with Shell, Statoil, RWE, E.ON, GDF - Yatseniuk
Ukraine, over the last year, managed to sign contracts for the supply of natural gas with the world's largest energy companies, Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatseniuk has said before a Cabinet meeting on April 15.
"The scheme of gas supply we built up over the last year can be termed as energy independent. Previously we had only Gazprom and the intermediaries named Liovochkin and Firtash, who supplied gas and earned billions of dollars, while today the main suppliers are Statoil, Royal Dutch Shell, RWE and E.ON, Gaz de France," he said.
"We refused middlemen and it was not easy, but we won this struggle for gas market transparency, in particular through the adoption of the law on the natural gas market, and today we have a diversified competitive gas market, where we buy gas under contracts with our European partners," Yatseniuk said.
As reported, the key suppliers of reverse gas to Ukraine are RWE, Statoil, GDF Suez, E.ON. At present Ukraine receives more gas from Europe than from Russia.
In the first quarter of 2015, Ukraine imported 3.649 billion cubic meters of gas from Europe, 2.157 billion cubic meters – from Russia.