
Government to table budget package in parliament on Monday

The Cabinet of Ministers will table in the Verkhovna Rada a draft state budget for next year, and a number of bills on the budget before the end of the day, Deputy Prime Minister and Culture Minister Viacheslav Kyrylenko has said.

"The key bills include a draft of amendments to the Budget Code, a draft of amendments to the Tax Code and a draft of amendments to some laws (concerning changing over 20 legislative acts), which are important for the implementation of decisions proposed by the government. The government will submit these three bills by the end of the day," he said at a meeting of the conciliatory council of the heads of committees and factions on Monday.

Kyrylenko said that the government would meet on Monday to finalize the parameters of the state budget for 2015.

"Of course, we will submit the draft budget in order to present all of these documents tomorrow at a plenary meeting of parliament simultaneously - the Budget Code, the Tax Code, and amendments to the laws and the state budget of Ukraine," he said.
