
Kyiv asks Moscow through WTO for official response to restrictions on Ukrainian confectionery

Ukraine has officially asked the Russian Federation through the World Trade Organization (WTO) to provide official detailed explanations and justifications for the restrictions on the supplies of Ukrainian confectionary products that were introduced at the end of July 2013, in terms of their compliance with the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement), as well as the long-awaited response to a request about TBT and sanitary and phytosanitary measures (TBT/SPS EP).

"Ukraine urges Russia to immediately lift this trade ban and bring their government TBT measure in accordance with the TBT Agreement and the commitments undertaken by the Russian Federation when it joined the WTO, Ukraine said in a statement at meeting of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee on October 29–31, 2013.
