16:03 18.02.2015

Kyivkhlib increases prices by 10-12%, social types of bread unaffected

2 min read
Kyivkhlib increases prices by 10-12%, social types of bread unaffected

Public joint-stock company Kyivkhlib, the largest bread producer in Kyiv, introduced new retail prices of some types of bread on February 18.

According to a company report, prices grew by 10-12% on average. In particular, the price of long sliced loaf of 500 grams now costs UAH 5.34, the price of Ukrainsky Stolychny oven-baked loaf of 950 grams is UA 6.90 and the price of traditional wheat oven-baked loaf is UAH 5.64.

"The thorough analysis of the financial and economic situation at the company showed that Kyivkhlib should make very unpopular, but critically forced, steps to retain production and the possibility of providing Kyiv residents with high-quality and fresh products in the future," reads a press release issued by Kyivkhlib. The company said that in the past month the price of the highest grade wheat flour grew by 32%, for sunflower oil – 25%, sugar – 8%, electricity – 5% and gas – 9.7%.

The increase in the prices does not affect so-called social types of bread under an investment agreement signed by Kyivkhlib and Kyiv City Administration on the creation of a branded retail bread chain.

The company said that under the agreement two outlets have been opened in Kyiv and it is planned to open a third this week.