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How to dream tonight

Apparently, many people show interest in dreams. Maybe because we are all familiar with them, especially the ones that were so special that they really made a deep impression on us. I recall childhood dreams that were in some ways extensions of my waking life desires, providing me joyful opportunities of … kissing girls at school who I secretly loved, being Leonardo of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to fight bad guys, flying across the forests at my home town.

Up to my 17th birthday, I never had the understanding of the dreams that I have today. Through lucid dreams, I learned that the dream state is highly immersive and provides a multi-sensory experience in which we embody all of our dream senses in the same way as we experience waking reality: touching, tasting, hearing, smelling, and seeing. Isn’t that amazing? No computer console could ever compete with that kind of immersiveness.

How to dream

Funny enough a popular first question on lucid dreaming is “How do I learn to dream?”. How to dream is a silly question actually, since we dream each and every night of our lives independent of whether we have the intention to recall our dreams the following morning. Therefore the real question should be “How do I recall my dreams?”

Recalling dreams

The first thing you need to do is to get interested in dreams. Recalling dreams is simple. Once you wake up, immediately ask yourself “What have I dreamt about?”. Keep lying still and keep your eyes closed, have patience. Start associating. Write down any dream or dream fragment that you were able to recall.

Keep a dream journal

According to a great way to boost up your dream recall skills is to start keeping a dream journal. Pick a journal that resonates with your desire to become a skilled dream recaller. Write down your dreams in full length, including all details. Keep your dream journal close to your bed so that once you wake up from a dream at night, you can immediately write down dream fragments that you are able to recall. Some dreamers use a notepad to jot down any dream fragments before journaling their dreams in full length the following morning.

However, recalling dreams is actually quite insignificant compared to what is known as lucid dreaming…

Lucid dreams

How to dream is much related to the quest of lucid dreaming. In lucid dreams, you attain dream awareness that allows you to deliberately and voluntarily control your dreams to anything you desire. The “lucid” dream provides endless opportunities to gain extraordinary experiences that are otherwise impossible or difficult to gain in everyday life: free from physical and social laws. It allows us to truly learn how to dream.

Since lucid dreaming is learnable, many people enjoy lucid dreams to improve both their dreaming and waking lives. As I come to know it, lucid dreaming is an awesome spiritual sport.

If you are interested to master lucid dreaming yourself, be sure to take a look at for lucid dreaming guides, posts, and much more.
