Press Releases

TeleTrade wages a dirty war against its former customers and the advertising company Amillidius

Bogdan Terzi, a co-owner and head of the advertising company Amillidius, spoke about the massive information attack by the TeleTrade broker against Amillidius - both the company’s staff and himself have experienced it recently. “Amillidius, my business partner Elvira Gavrilova, and I became the victims of the well-planned information attack,” claimed Terzi. - We carried out an investigation and discovered that Teletrade initiated and executed this attack.

The reason behind it is quite apparent - Amillidius offered a helping hand to the TeleTrade customers, who fight desperately against the broker that scammed them. Describing the current situation, Bogdan Terzi demonstrated what Amillidius’ opponent was like. TeleTrade is a company, founded by the Russian nationals and operating globally. The large-scale fraud investigations were filed against TeleTrade in Russia and Kazakhstan. In Ukraine, the National Securities and Stock Market Commission through its official website warned the citizens about a risk to suffer losses at the TeleTrade-affiliated Center of the Stock Technologies. Bogdan Terzi supported these facts with the information from the official resources of the law-enforcement bodies of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.

Quite recently, the Internet saw the articles, accusing Amillidius of cooperation with the separatists from the so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic”. The articles assured that Alexey Muratov, the head of the so-called DPR’s Executive Committee, hired Amillidius to promote his cryptocurrency. As a proof, the article featured a doctored snap, showing the Amillidius owner Elvira Gavrilova, allegedly accompanied by Muratov. The “processed” nature of the photo could be seen with an unarmed eye. “We believe the TeleTrade co-founder Oleg Suvorov is behind this defaming fake”, said Terzi. The Amillidius head made an official statement that his company had never had any relationship whatsoever with the separatists of the so-called DPR.

What is more, a web-site, specifically created for the purpose, published an article, written by the Yegor Filimonov, the alleged Amillidius employee. “It goes without saying, this person has never worked at our company”, emphasized Bogdan Terzi. The article contains accusations, threats, and obscene vocabulary, targeted at Terzi himself and many Amillidius employees. The Amillidius boss emphasized that the company’s activities were transparent, so one could find photographs of all its employees in the open sources and social media. The authors of the fake article, in fact, exploited it.

TeleTrade itself published several articles saying that Amillidius was attacking their network. Bogdan Terzi indicated that their company, indeed, used to work with the broker but terminated the cooperation on moral grounds, when TeleTrade changed its management. Later on, Amillidius was approached by a group of TeleTrade’s defrauded customers, who provided the evidence and facts of the broker’s scam. So, Amillidius decided to help. Bogdan Terzi emphasized that Amillidius’ help was absolutely legal.

“The reason behind TeleTrade’s intrigues and apparent lie about Amillidius is that TeleTrade feels threatened”,- said the speaker. He named the criminal cases, initiated against TeleTrade broker and its subsidiaries. He also demonstrated hundreds of claims of the customers, having lost their money to TeleTrade. Bogdan Terzi provided the proof of the broker’s fraud - the video record of the confession of the trader, who used to be a part of the Traders’ Stock Exchange project by TeleTrade. “Our goal today is to expose the true picture of the conflict between the defrauded customers and TeleTrade” - said Bogdan Terzi. He also announced the following press-conference of Amillidius, where he promised to speak about the tools and schemes TeleTrade still utilized to scam its customers.
