The International Forum of Corporate Secretary “Corporate Governance. Trust.Investment” was hold in Kyiv
The second International Forum of Corporate Secretary “Corporate Governance. Trust.Investment” was hold in Kyiv on the 5th. of June. It is the only regular professional event in the sphere of corporate management.
Alexander Okuniev opened the Chairman of the Board of the Professional Association of Corporate Governance (PASG), he welcomed 110 participants from the 6 world countries and three parts or world and wished successful work. Also, from the organizers and partners side with welcome word performed Aliona Voloshyna, Head of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in Ukraine, Alexey Povolotskiy, Corporate Secretary of the "DTEK", the winner of the contest "The Corporate Secretary 2013", Eugene Petryk, Director of "EMCON", board member of the PASG.
Mrs. Voloshyna noted that IFS, as one of the largest international investors into the Ukrainian economics, for more than 5 years jointly with PASG implement into Ukraine the best world’s politics and methodic elaborations in the corporate governance sphere. MS Podvolotskiy confidently announced that this event was the main Forum about the corporate governance in Ukraine.
Chairman of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market Timur Khromaev during his speech admitted, that one of the important directions of VOSCSSM were the questions on corporate governance and opening the information: «Commission wants to make more responsible everyone, who provide information, on which the evaluation of financial risks depends. Companies and issuers should equally be responsible for the actions they take, and for the information they publish”. While answering the participants’ questions, Ms. Khromaen said that Commission was not the punitive agency that “management should become smart, stir, but meanwhile should have sufficient scope for interpretation. In English meaning it is discretion and professional judgment».
Olly Virtanen, CEO of consulting company «Virtanen Associates Oy», general secretary of the Association of Professional Member of the Board of Directors of the Finnish member of the European Confederation of Directors Associations (ecoDa), told about European practice how the independent directors work in companies with the sufficient part of state ownership. In Finland, there is Board Members Data Bank, which is under the governance of private companies, and where the open agencies competition is hold. These agencies hire directors, who respond certain characteristics. When the time of annual meeting comes, the company appeals to the Data Bank with the request to find people that are needed. Mr. Virtanen also pointed out, that the main work principals of Boards for all the state companies in Finland are the same as in companies of share market listing. Negotiations between the state representatives and the companies private owners are hold on the level of non-executive directors. That is why the success of companies activity depends on Board consist and on the communication between the directors. In Finland already acknowledged, that high quality of corporate governance makes company more precious. There was a question, if there was a possibility of Ms. Virtanen to become an independent member of the Board in Ukrainian company and the amount of remuneration, and he said: «If I was proposed to become a member of a board in huge Ukrainian company, I ask four questions first: show me accounting record for the last three years, what the legal status company has (whether it has litigations), how experienced are present executive directors and how the owner sees current state and prospects of the company. Only after that I would ask about remuneration».
Alexander Okuniev, Chairman of the Board of the Professional Association of Corporate Governance, focused the Forum participants’ attention on that fact, that recently in Board’s activity more and more important becomes the organization of anticorruption complex in company, also announced the project by PASG in this sphere, told about the possibility of participation in it and invited all the participants to join him.
Separate block of Forum was dedicated to the development of the Corporate Secretary Institute, and its functions, duties and responsibilities in foreign and Ukrainian companies.
Alison Dillon Kibirige, director of the British Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) in Uganda; Corporate Secretary of Barclays Bank plc, Head Office London (1998-2002), Unilever (2003-2007), told about international standards and the experience of their usefulness in different world countries. In Mrs. Kibirige, corporate secretary should hold managerial not administrative position in the company, and should perform duties at the next four spheres: corporate governance, compliance, consulting and communication providing. Corporate Secretary should concentrate on “how” to do something and Supervision Board members on “what” and “why” it should be done.
Mrs. Kibirige also clarified, we should grasp, that in governed organizations (state owned companies, banks, ect.), the compliance functions role would be much more important but of course corporate secretary is useful in all companies. Also Alison Dillon was convinced «in order corporate secretary could provide the implementation of proper governance, professional organizations recommend not to combine functions of corporate secretary with functions of juris consult or account ».
Eugene Petryk, CEO of “EMCON” company, Board member of PASG, presented renewed by PASG Board members Professional Standard of Corporate Secretary and welcomed to its discussion.
Also there were speakers at the Forum: Juriy Nikitin, Deputy Chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, Juriy Popov, chief expert on law, commercial law adviser of the Center, Anatoliy Jefimenko, Consultant Corporate Governance International Finance Corporation (IFC), Igor Andrusik, Head of strategic development of the company «IBI Rating Agency», Eugene Petryk, CEO of “EMCON” company, Board member of PASG, Alexander Nikolaychik, a senior lawyer law firm "Sayenko Kharenko”, Alexey Povolotskiy, Corporate Secretary of the "DTEK", Galina Potopal’skaia, Corporate Secretary of PJSC "Alfa-Bank", Nikita Kolomnin, consultant «ICSA Software International», Eugene Krut’ Manager of the Department for Corporate Governance DTEK / Secretary of the Supervisory Board of PJSC "Kyivenergo".
In the end of the Forum the results of the “Corporate Secretary of the year” contest were announced. This contest determined the most successful and effective corporate secretary for the last 2013-2014 years. The winner became Galina Potopal’skaia, corporate secretary of PJSC "Alfa-Bank". The laureates of the contest became Julia Matata, head of the legal-contractual department of PJSC "Priokom" and Eugene Krut’, Manager of the Department for Corporate Governance DTEK / Secretary of the Supervisory Board of PJSC "Kyivenergo". Also in the contest there were determined some categories. Winner in the category «For his contributions to the advancement of the profession» became Julia Solodkaia, Head of corporate governance and legal issues of "NK" Alliance Ukraine", in category «For the best analytical material» - Eugene Krut’, Manager of the Department for Corporate Governance DTEK / Secretary of the Supervisory Board of PJSC "Kyivenergo", in special nomination for our partner Investoir Relations Agency «For the best IR-practice» Dmitriy Yanchishen, Lawyer of Corporate Relations Group Legal Department «UkrLandfarming» and Julia Matata, head of the legal-contractual department of PJSC "Priokom."
Detailed Information about International Forum of corporate secretaries “Corporate Governance. Trust. Investment” and photo are on websites:,
Organizators: Professional Association of Corporate Governance (PASG), the International Finance Corporation (IFC).
Partners: the energy DTEK Company, the "EMCON" company, the "JM" company and Investor Relations Agency. Sponsored by awarding: ICSA Software International.
Official event-provider - Event Envoy Company.
The forum was sponsored by the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market, State Property Fund of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Association of Investment Business, League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine, PARD & AFP, the Ukrainian Bar Association, Corporate Security Professionals Association of Ukraine, Association of Advocates of Ukraine, the Agency for Development infrastructure of the stock market of Ukraine, the Center for Commercial Law, the American-Ukrainian Business Council and the International Institute of Business.
General TV-patnner – First Business Channel. Legal Information Partner: Company "LIGA: LAW." Exclusive online partner: YURLIGA. Legal Media partners: Legal Newspaper, Legal Practice. Information support: Cbonds, the Agency for Development infrastructure of the stock market of Ukraine,,,,,
The main news media partner - Information agency "Interfax-Ukraine"