Press Releases

Second time in the history energy marathon Greencubator TeslaCamp will take place in Kyiv

For the second year in a row, Kyiv will become the epicentre of innovations and techno creation in the energy sector. Within the energy marathon Greencubator TeslaCamp professionals and enthusiasts will search for new solutions for a sustainable energy future.

Non-governmental organization Greencubator, Ukrainian platform for energy innovations, useful for society and the environment, invites you to the world's second solar energy hackathon (hacking marathon) – Greencubator TeslaCamp. The event will be held on August 29-31, on the banks of the Desna River in Kyiv region.

Greencubator TeslaCamp is a marathon of innovative ideas, energy and social innovations designed to accumulate knowledge of Ukrainian and international energy hackers that make energy affordable, reasonable and friendly to people and the planet. The aim of hackathon is to stimulate the search of innovative solutions in the field of "green energy," energy efficiency and sustainable development technologies, business models, and social innovations. In the context of aggression against Ukraine Greencubator TeslaCamp 2014 will pay a particular attention to the issues of energy security of the country, the battle against energy dictatorship and meeting of the energy needs of the military-industrial complex.

For three days, Greencubator TeslaCamp 2014 will deploy an energy town, completely powered by the "green energy" and will provide everything you need to work in teams of "energy hackers" - developers of new energy solutions, at the intersection of energy, IT, urbanism, transportation, robotics, and social networks.

Hackathon's mentors will be experienced representatives of Ukrainian and international initiatives in the field of "smart" energy start-ups, specialized investment funds, which will inspire youth and strengthen the creative vector of the event.

In addition to the mentoring sessions, on the first day of Greencubator TeslaCamp 2014 there will be a panel discussion on "Combating energy dictatorship", dedicated to the military, geopolitical and economic dimensions of the energy security of Ukraine and the world.

The theme of the disclosure of human energy potential, in overcoming the emergency challenges will be presented at the session of the second day of Greencubator TeslaCamp 2014. Human Energy Project will bring together athletes, entrepreneurs, and artists who, through their incredible life success demonstrated that there is nothing that purposeful person cannot achieve.

In addition, there will be a demonstration of energy attractions, inventors' developments, a parade of electric vehicles, and children's activity EnergyKids.

“Entering new horizons for humans is impossible without the rethinking of the energy. For Ukraine, this thesis is relevant as never before. Intense development of the energy innovations – is not only a way to the energy independence and modernization of the country, but also an active participation in competing for the new markets. Our goal is to turn Ukraine into the one of the world's centres for the energy innovations, Silicon Valley of reasonable energy," said a co-founder of Greencubator, one of the organizers of Hackathon Greencubator TeslaCamp, Roman Zinchenko.

Information on ticket purchase for Greencubator TeslaCamp 2014 is available on the official Greencubator Facebook page:

Media accreditation: Anna Pyatetska,, +38 067 402 7728

Participation in Greencubator TeslaCamp 2014: Ksenia Choni,, +38 093 168 23 32

Partnership: Roman Zinchenko,, +38 067 449 28 76

More information:


Event Envoy:


Ukrainian network of energy innovations Greencubator is a non-governmental organization established in 2009 to promote energy culture, energy efficiency and sustainable development. Greencubator implements educational, social, and media projects, aimed to develop the potential of energy efficiency and renewable energy, creates events that allow discovering and developing energy talents.

Among the projects by Greencubator are Cycle Conference "Energy Efficient Universities," 'green publications' in Ukrainian business media, SmartEnergy Forum, energetic camp EnergyCamp, energy Hackathon TeslaCamp, SmartEnergy Hackathon, SunnyDay and other activities.

The Interfax Ukraine News Agency is the main news media partner.
