Press Releases

Interfax - Ukraine brings one-click news following with

Interfax – Ukraine just integrated Traqli, an article tracking service developed by Newzmate, Inc. to help readers stay informed of updates on stories.

Traqli is a content recommendation service that helps readers stay up to date about their favorite stories. It works as a single button that can be found at the top of each news article.

By clicking the Traq IT button, readers subscribe to receive email updates as specific news stories develop. Using proprietary algorithms, Traqli monitors all incoming news and sends periodic digest emails with links to the story updates on Interfax – Ukraine. As a result, the reader is provided with a convenient and personalized summary of story updates.

Interfax-Ukraine deputy director:

"We are happy to start cooperation with Newzmate, Inc. and integrate their service into Interfax news stream. Currently news-reading trends are definitely showing a huge demand for content curation based on individual readers' interests and we believe that Traqli is a perfect way to do it. We highly recommend this service for our readers to stay updated about their favorite news"

Let us know about your experience with Traqli by sharing and discussing it in social networks or just by sending emails to
