Press Conferences

Dubinsky initiates cancellation of postponement of MPs' call-up for military service

KYIV. Aug 30 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Non-factional MP of Ukraine Oleksandr Dubinsky is initiating amendments to the legislation cancelling the postponement of call-up for military service ("reservation") for parliamentarians during mobilization.

"This bill removes armour from MPs... This bill provides for amendments to the law of Ukraine On mobilization training and mobilization and the law of Ukraine On the status of a Member of Parliament," Dubinsky said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine in Tuesday.

Dubinsky said he proposes to exclude from Article 23 "Deferment from military service during mobilization" of the law "On mobilization training and mobilization" the provision according to which MPs liable for military service are not subject to military service.

The parliamentarian also proposes to exclude from the law "On the status of a Member of Parliament" Article 29 "Postponement of a Member of Parliament of Ukraine of call-up for military service or training": a MP, for the term of exercising his powers, is exempt from conscription for military or alternative (non-military) service, as well as from conscription for educational (or training) and special training camps.

Dubinsky said conscription of MPs would not adversely affect the work of the Verkhovna Rada.

"The Verkhovna Rada meets an average of four times a month. Four days a month, any soldier can take a vacation and work for the good of Ukraine," Dubinsky said.

He also said a few days ago he registered in the Verkhovna Rada a bill on the fair mobilization of citizens, which provides for mandatory military service for at least six months for persons liable for military service, applying, inter alia, for the positions of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council and his deputies, ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers, head of the State Property Fund and his deputies. According to him, this rule of law should also apply to employees of the Economic Security Bureau, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, and the State Bureau of Investigations.

Dubinsky predicted a difficult passage of bills in parliament, but said he was ready for this and counted on the support of the public.

As reported, Dubinsky registered in the Verkhovna Rada bill No. 9649 on amendments to some laws regarding the fair mobilization of citizens, which creates legal grounds for the mandatory stay of persons liable for military service during mobilization from among civil servants and officials of local governments.

The author of the bill proposes to amend the law On mobilization training and mobilization, excluding from it the provision according to which persons liable for military service, booked for the period of mobilization and in wartime, from government authorities and local self-government are not subject to conscription during mobilization.

The bill also stipulates amendments to the law On public service and other laws. In accordance with the changes, a person liable for military service cannot apply for a position and be in the public service, in public authorities, local governments, if he did not perform military service during mobilization for at least six months. It is proposed to extend this rule, including to such positions as the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and his deputies, members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee, his first deputy and deputy, the head of the local state administration, his first deputy and deputy, chairman, his deputy and employees of the National Bank, members of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine.
