Press Announcement

Interfax-Ukraine to host press conference on presentation of scientific monograph "Theoretical Basis of Intentional Homicide Investigation: Penal Provisions, Criminalistical and Psychological Aspects. Psychological Profile of a Serial Killer"

On Thursday, August 15, at 13.00, the Interfax-Ukraine news agency will host a press conference on the presentation of the scientific monograph "The Theoretical Basis of Intentional Homicide Investigation: Penal Provisions, Criminalistical and Psychological Aspects. Psychological Profile of a Serial Killer." Participants include: academician, candidate of psychological sciences, head of the Odesa regional branch of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Oleh Maltsev; lawyer, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Industrial Law of Kherson State University Oleksandr Sainchyn; Doctor of Law, Professor of the National University of Odesa Law Academy, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Oleksandr Sotula (8/5a Reitarska Street). More details by phone: +38 063 624 9103 (Kanykei). Registration of journalists with editorial IDs on the spot.
