
Already 107 countries, intl organizations confirm attendance of Peace Summit – Nykyforov

Already 107 countries, including international organizations, have confirmed their participation in the upcoming Peace Summit in Switzerland, Spokesperson for the President of Ukraine Serhiy Nykyforov said on the national telethon Monday.

"Currently, 107 countries and international organizations have confirmed participation in the Peace Summit," he said

According to Nykyforov, the Philippines, Singapore, and Timor-Leste, whose leaders met with the president of Ukraine during his visit to Asia, may also be represented at the Peace Summit in one form or another.

Zelensky's spokesperson also said that the main purpose of the Ukrainian president's visit to Singapore and the Philippines was the need to convey the position of the Ukrainian state to this part of the world, so that they would not stand aside from the Ukrainian peace initiative and join the Peace Summit.

"And so far, we are completing this task successfully," Nykyforov said.
