
Zelenskyy signs law to allow convicts to serve in army in exchange for release on parole

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a law which allows convicts to be released on parole in exchange for performing military service under contract.

According to the information on the Verkhovna Rada website, bill No. 11079-1 was returned with the signature of the head of state on May 17.

As reported, on May 8, the Verkhovna Rada allowed the parole of convicted persons in exchange for military service under contract during mobilization or martial law.

According to bill No. 11079-1 on amendments to the Criminal, Criminal Procedure, Criminal Executive Codes and other laws on the introduction of the institution of parole of persons from serving their sentences in exchange for their direct participation in the defense of Ukraine, the protection of its independence and territorial integrity, persons who are serving a sentence in the form of restriction or deprivation can be released on parole by court ruling to perform military service under contract.

At the same time, the bill provides that parole does not apply to persons who have been convicted of committing crimes against the fundamentals of the national security of Ukraine, for committing the premeditated murder of two or more persons, or combined with rape or sexual violence.

According to the bill, it is mandatory to provide the court with the written consent of the commander of a military unit to consider the issue of parole of a convicted person.
