
Von der Leyen: Ukraine to soon be in our Union

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is convinced that Ukraine will soon be a member of the European Union.

Speaking on Tuesday in Strasbourg as part of the plenary session of the European Parliament, she said: "The contrast [in Ukraine] with just ten years ago could not be starker. Back then, a pro-Russia regime in Ukraine was passing authoritarian laws and killing protesters on the streets. Today, the country has just given itself new legislation to expand national minority rights, to improve the judicial system, and to ensure checks and balances on power. This is what led us to launching the accession negotiations. And this progress is happening not only because Europe is asking for it. This is the deep desire of the people of Ukraine. Ukraine is Europe, because Europe is in the hearts and minds of Ukrainians. And soon enough, Ukraine will also be in our Union."

Speaking about the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the President of the European Commission stated that "this is a tragic tale of human loss and suffering." "And it is all the more tragic as we know there will be more pain and suffering ahead. We know how much is at stake here for those in Ukraine and also for the rest of us in Europe. Putin's fantasy and fabricated war – and Ukraine's heroic resistance has reminded us here that our freedoms and our democracy are worth fighting for. So today, we pay tribute to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in fighting for something. Slava Ukraini!" von der Leyen concluded her speech.

Someone from the session hall replied: "Glory to the heroes!"
