
Mobilization bill stipulates lowering conscription age, number of other innovations – media

The bill On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the improvement of certain issues of mobilization, military registration and military service provides for a reduction in the conscription age and a number of other innovations, media said.

It is noted that the bill is not yet available.

"At the same time, the explanatory note contains the provisions that the document proposes," Radio Liberty said.

"Among them: reduction of the conscription age from 27 to 25 years; providing the opportunity for military personnel who were released from captivity to receive additional leave for 90 days; involving local authorities in mobilization; clarification of standards 'for fulfilling military transport duties'; clarification of the responsibilities of citizens for mobilization preparation and mobilization; clarification of the grounds for deferment or exemption from conscription; establishment of additional circumstances for the release or deferment of conscripts from conscription;exclusion from the list of conclusions of military medical commissions of the conclusion on limited suitability for military service; exclusion of conscript military service – as a type of military service and dismissal from service into the military reserve for conscript military service; introduction of basic combined arms training for all citizens for up to three months for all citizens aged 18 to 25 years at all educational institutions; introduction of basic military service at will until age 25 for those who have not completed basic combined arms training; establishing restrictions on the rights of citizens evading military registration and military service; granting powers to the National Police to participate in mobilization activities."

As permanent representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in parliament Taras Melnychuk said previously reported, the permanent representative of the government in parliament, the Cabinet of Ministers, sent to the Verkhovna Rada a bill regulating issues of mobilization and military service.
