
Zelenskyy speaks via video link at EU summit, calling on leaders to decide to start accession talks

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke via video link at a meeting of the European Council, calling on the leaders of the European Union not to hesitate and take the decision promised to Ukraine to begin membership talks.

On Thursday in Brussels, addressing the President and members of the European Council, Zelenskyy said: "Dear Charles [Michel], dear colleagues, greetings to you all. Today is a special day. And this day will go down in our history. Whether it's good or bad for us, history will capture everything. Every word, every step, every action and inaction. Who fought for what."

The President of Ukraine said this year "we didn't make any mistakes." "Not a single one. Europe went through this year with dignity. There was no cowardice, no indecision. And Putin gained nothing over the year. Neither in the battles against Ukraine, nor in his attempts to divide and demean Europeans. He lost everything this year. It's crucial that he lost not just in Ukraine, but in every aspect of European life. Europe maintained its unity. Europe didn’t let its people get dragged into any of the crises the Kremlin always dreams of," the Ukrainian leader said.

In this regard, Zelenskyy is convinced that "now is not the time for half-measures or hesitation. Europe has made strong decisions and implemented them effectively. I’m grateful for such strength in Europe. And it’s very important that Europe doesn’t fall back into indecision today. Nobody wants Europe to be seen as un-trust-worthy. Or as unable to take decisions it prepared itself," he said.

The President of Ukraine believes that "today is the day when determination will either be in Brussels or Moscow." "People in Europe won't understand if Putin's satisfied smile becomes the reward for a meeting in Brussels," Zelenskyy said.

He said these days he communicated with many of the EU leaders. "We're talking about a decision that was promised. And I haven't heard any counter-argument as to why we shouldn't implement the plan agreed upon by all of Europe. Last year, Ukraine received clear recommendations on how to move forward. We have passed the key laws. You all – and I emphasize: all – know well that we fulfilled every obligation. And there was a clear schedule for the EU – today is a day for a political decision in response to what we've accomplished. It's about opening accession negotiations with Ukraine. And in March next year – approving the negotiation framework for moving forward. No bureaucracy. Everything is very clear," the president said.

Zelenskyy especially noted that this decision "it's about what people need; all those people in the trenches, shooting down drones and missiles every night… And all those working so children can learn even under constant Russian terror, and doctors can save lives even when Russia tries to destroy our energy or communication systems." "Today's decision on opening accession negotiations is also vital for all those people in EU countries who believe that Europe can avoid falling back into old times of endless fruitless dis-agreements between capitals. Europe deserves to be strong. Europe's strength is in unity and resolve. Europe deserves a dignified policy. Deserves to have agreements respected, and for people in Europe to know they won’t be deceived," he said.

Zelenskyy called on the EU leaders: "ten years ago, in Ukraine, people rose-up under the flags of the European Union. It was a symbol of truth for them, and it should remain so. I ask you one thing today – do not betray the people and their faith in Europe. If no one believes in Europe, what will keep the European Union alive? People in Europe won't see any benefit if Moscow receives a pass from Brussels in the form of negativity towards Ukraine. Putin will surely use this against you personally, and against all of Europe. Don't give him this first – and only – victory of the year. Europe must win, agreements must be honored, and words must matter. Thank you for your support! Slava Ukraini (Glory to Ukraine)."
