
UNSC, UNGA should become epicentre of work on Ukrainian Peace Formula – Zelenskyy

The epicenter of work on the Ukrainian Peace Formula should be the Security Council (UNSC) and the UN General Assembly (UNGA), President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

As he noted, speaking at a meeting of the UN Security Council in the United States on Wednesday, the preparation of the Ukrainian Peace Formula was carried out by him on the basis and principles of the UN Charter, as well as on the basis of resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, which may allow the Formula to become global.

“Nations that engage with the Formula realize that they are working for the rules-based international order – for the protection of territorial integrity and sovereignty of states, protection of human rights, prevention of aggression and genocide. Naturally, the epicenter of such efforts should be in this very Chamber – the UN Security Council Chamber, and even to a greater extent, in the General Assembly Hall,” he stated.

As the President stressed, “if reform of UN institutions is necessary for this, then we should NOT be afraid of such reform.” “We should not wait for this aggression to be over. Our aspiration for peace should drive the reform,” he said.

The Head of State noted that Ukraine is ready to work together with the UN members who are already participating in the Peace Formula on the relevant draft resolutions and amendments to the UN Charter.

“And I would like to make it clear for everyone in the world, what exactly Ukraine is proposing while addressing the nations of the world and calling on them to join the implementation of the Peace Formula,” Zelenskyy said.

So, according to him, each state can show its leadership within one or another, or several, or all points of the Peace Formula. At the same time, groups are formed according to its points, in which national security advisers and diplomatic representatives of the leaders of the states work. Further, in these groups, a list of decisions and rule-making proposals is determined that must be implemented in order for the corresponding item of the Peace Formula to be implemented.

As Zelenskyy stressed, “we [Ukraine] are ready to hold ten conferences at the level of advisors in accordance with the ten points of the Peace Formula. Later, these drafts prepared by advisors will be submitted for consideration by heads of states at the respective Summit,” he stated.

The Head of State also noted that for the implementation of the Ukrainian Peace Formula, as a basis, “full withdrawal of all Russian troops and military formations, including the Russian Black Sea Fleet or ‘its leaky remnants,’ as well as the withdrawal of all mercenaries and paramilitary formations of Russia from the entire sovereign territory of Ukraine within our internationally recognized borders as of 1991 is necessary.”

The second step, according to him, should be “full restoration of Ukraine’s effective control over the entire state border and exclusive economic zone, including in the Black and Azov Seas, as well as in the Kerch Strait.”

“In fact, only the implementation of these two points will result in an honest, reliable, and complete cessation of hostilities,” the President said.
