
More than UAH 6 bln transferred to NBU account to support Armed Forces

Ukrainians and foreigners have transferred more than UAH 6 billion in equivalent to a special account opened by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including UAH 253.5 million in equivalent received from abroad in foreign currency.

According to the regulator, the balance on the special account amounted to UAH 4.53 billion.

As reported, the National Bank opened a special multi-currency account UA843000010000000047330992708 to raise funds for the needs of the army in connection with the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and the danger to the state independence of Ukraine, its territorial integrity.

The National Bank clarifies that this is a multi-currency account created both for transferring funds from international partners and donors in foreign currency (U.S. dollars, euros, British pounds), and from Ukrainian businesses and citizens in the national currency.

You can transfer funds using a card using the link https://bank.gov.ua/ua/about/support-the-armed-forces or through a bank account using the details.

The NBU transferred UAH 450 million for the needs of the National Guard, UAH 150 million to the National Police, and UAH 1.025 billion for the needs of the Ministry of Defense.
