
Ukraine taking issue of countering anti-Semitism seriously – U.S. State Department Special Envoy

The adoption of the anti-Semitism law shows that Ukraine and its leadership are taking the issue seriously, Department of State Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues Ellen Germain has said.

"I am very happy to see that Ukraine has passed the law on anti-Semitism. It really shows that Ukraine and its leadership is taking the issue seriously and has now enshrined a law against anti-Semitism into legislation. So that is a good and serious step," Germain told Interfax-Ukraine agency.

According to her, she made sure that anti-Semitism is not a huge problem in Ukraine.

"In my conversations around the country over the last few days I've talked to Jewish community members, various government officials and I have asked about the problem of anti-Semitism in Ukraine. What I have heard is that it is not a huge problem in Ukraine which is a good thing to hear. It is a problem as it is a problem throughout the world and again Ukrainian law on anti-Semitism is a good step and it really shows that Ukraine and its leadership, its parliament are taking the issue seriously," Germain said.

The special envoy for Holocaust issues said the issue of perpetuating the memory of the victims of the Holocaust is a national issue and requires a comprehensive solution at the national level.

"I have visited only few parts of Ukraine in my time here. I think generally for Ukraine as a whole the question of Holocaust memorialization and commemoration is a national issue and one that needs to be dealt with comprehensively on a national level. For example the anti-Semitism law that was just passed is one way of enshrining for all the principles of what Ukraine believes in terms of countering anti-Semitism. That is a very positive way of showing that Ukraine's leadership takes this seriously throughout all of Ukraine," she said.
