
G7 ambassadors call for legislative, constitutional changes for inevitability of decentralization reform in Ukraine

Ambassadors from the G7 countries hailed Ukraine's success in uniting merged territorial communities as an example of its potential and ability to introduce reforms, a joint statement posted on Wednesday reads.

"We will continue to support this reform," the UK Presidency of the G7 Ambassadors' Support Group in Kyiv said on Twitter.

The ambassadors note that in order to consolidate the principles of local self-government and subsidiarity and to ensure the irreversibility of these reforms, Ukraine must adopt legislative and constitutional changes agreed with local associations and other stakeholders in a constructive consultation process.

In their opinion, according to the European Charter of Local Self-Government signed by Ukraine, these changes should include determining the scope of powers of local self-government with a clear division of powers and responsibilities between different levels, ensuring proportionality and legality of supervision of local self-government by central authorities, as well as equipping local self-government bodies with the appropriate legislative instruments to secure their powers.

In addition, local governments should be granted the status of a legal entity for the transparency of their activities and to prevent corruption, as well as stable financial support.
