
Biden extends Ukraine-related sanctions against Russia for one year

U.S. President Joe Biden has extended by one year the effect of sanctions imposed against Russia in light of the situation in Ukraine, according to a document published in the U.S. Federal Register on Wednesday.

According to the statement, the situation around Ukraine "continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. For this reason, the emergency regime introduced on March 6, 2014, as well as the measures taken [...] in response to crisis should remain in force after March 6, 2021."

Sanctions against Russia based on the situation in Ukraine were imposed by the administration of President Barack Obama in 2014. The first restrictive measures came into force on March 6, 2014, later on March 16, March 20 and December 19, 2014 the sanctions were expanded.

Since the imposition of the sanctions, they have been extended annually by 12 months.
