Zelensky approves plan for admitting foreign military staff to Ukraine for conducting exercises in 2021

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law on approval of the presidential decision on the admission of units of the armed forces of other states to the territory of Ukraine in 2021 to participate in multinational exercises."
"The adoption of this document is due to the need to comply with the procedures provided for by the Constitution of Ukraine, on the approval of the presidential decision on the admission of units of other states to the territory of Ukraine," the President's Office said on Monday.
In December 2020, the president signed decree No. 570/2020 on the plan for conducting multinational exercises with the participation of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the territory of Ukraine and their participation in multinational exercises outside Ukraine for 2021 and on the admission of units of the armed forces of other states to the territory of Ukraine in 2021 to participate in multinational exercises, requiring approval by the Verkhovna Rada.
In general, it is planned to conduct eight multinational exercises on the territory of Ukraine, in which it is planned to involve about 21,000 Ukrainian military personnel and about 11,000 foreign participants.