
We abandon concept of collaborator in bill on state policy for transition period – Reznikov

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov says that in the bill on the state policy of the transition period, they refused to use the concept of a collaborator.

"We made a decision for ourselves to refuse the word 'collaborator.' I also used it in my public interviews and even said that we should pass legislation on collaborators. But when we started to study international experience, including the historical one, we saw that the collaboration has a very controversial meaning and has a negative connotation in relation to everyone, and with a high probability common people, hostages, can fall under the collaboration," Reznikov told journalists on Friday.

In his opinion, this is a very risky subject, due to which it was decided to abandon such terminology.

"Most of the people in the occupied territory are hostages, so we propose to introduce a gradation of cooperation with the occupation regimes so that it is possible to clearly distinguish," Reznikov said.

The bill proposes a definition of terminology, which should be uniform for all legislation. These are both new and improved terms: the occupation forces and occupation services of the Russian Federation; political, diplomatic and sanctions measures; territorial communities on the contact line, temporary occupation; de-occupation; de-occupied territories; reintegration of de-occupied territories; lasting peace; priority development territories.
