
Ukraine can become platform for production of drugs needed to overcome pandemic - German ambassador

Ukraine has a chance to become a platform for the production of drugs to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, said German Ambassador to Ukraine Anka Feldhusen.

"Although we need international cooperation and globalization, and Germany will remain a committed supporter of these processes in the future, there are things that need to be transferred to their native soil. This is an initiative within the German economy that provides that the vital goods that we need including in order to fight the pandemic, for example, the main ingredients of medicines must be produced closer to home. This is also a chance for Ukraine," Feldhuzen said during an online discussion at the Kyiv Security Forum on Friday.

The ambassador clarified that Ukraine is geographically close to the EU, Germany and has a large amount of qualified labor resources. According to her, Ukraine can become the country where medicines and other categories of products can be produced.

Feldhusen urged Ukraine to continue to reform its public health system so that it can respond to pandemics that are likely to emerge.

"If we compare Germany and Ukraine, which introduced tough measures and restrictions at the beginning, both of our countries gained time to adapt to the pandemic. Our health systems were not overwhelmed by the pandemic, and patients could access treatment," she explained.

In addition, the ambassador thanked Ukraine in the aspect of international cooperation for sending its doctors to Italy, and the Mriya plane sent personal protective equipment to many countries.

