
Entire circulation of book about poet Stus sold out after court's ruling to ban the book - publishing house

The publishing house Vivat declares that after the announcement by the Darnytsky district court of Kyiv of the decision to ban the distribution of the book "Vasyl Stus Case", its circulation was immediately sold out both from the publishing house and from distributors.

"The book 'Vasyl Stus Case' by Vakhtang Kipiani was sold out in a matter of minutes both from the publishing house and from other distributors," the Vivat publishing house said a few hours after the court's decision to ban the book had been announced.

The publishing house notes that they made a decision to print a new circulation before the court's decision comes into force.

Earlier on Monday, Darnytsky District Court of Kyiv banned the distribution of the printed edition of the journalist and historian Vakhtang Kipiani's book "Vasyl Stus Case" without the permission of the head of the political council of the Opposition Platform - For Life party, MP Viktor Medvedchuk. Later, the authors of the book announced that they intend to appeal the decision of the Darnytsky district court of Kyiv.

As reported, Medvedchuk filed a lawsuit to protect honor, dignity and business reputation and asks the court to ban the publication and distribution of the book "Vasyl Stus Case" and the distribution of any information about the book in the media and on the Internet. He also asks to recover the costs of paying the court fee from Kipiani and Vivat publishing house.

In addition, Medvedchuk asks to recognize some of the information in the book as unreliable, in particular, nine phrases.

The book "Vasyl Stus Case" was published in May 2019.
