
Liashko: We're not considering simultaneous toughening of quarantine measures throughout Ukraine

The issue of toughening quarantine measures throughout Ukraine is currently not being considered, decisions in the conditions of adaptive quarantine are made by regional commissions, said Viktor Liashko, the deputy minister of health, chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine.

"Now we are not considering the issue of returning to tougher measures at once, since adaptive quarantine is operating in Ukraine. There are three basic indicators, and if in a region one of these indicators exceeds the permissible indicators, the region is obliged to hold a meeting of the commission and determine the reasons why this is happening, to determine the scope of the economy that gives the greatest number of negative results regarding the spread of coronavirus in the region, and return to downward mitigation, which was at the previous stage, towards tougher standards," he said at a briefing on Saturday.

As an example, Liashko cited Zhytomyr region, where after a three-day excess of the incidence rate, the regional commission canceled the work of hotels and banned visits to catering facilities indoors.

"And there are such cases in every region," he said.
