
Rada passes law to increase ability of health care system to counteract COVID-19

The Verkhovna Rada has adopted a bill amending certain laws of Ukraine in order to increase the ability of the Ukrainian healthcare system to counteract the spread of coronavirus disease COVID-19.

Some 336 deputies voted for bill No. 3380.

Bill No. 3380, by the authorship of 25 deputies of different factions, provides that it is possible to increase the ability of the Ukrainian healthcare system to respond to the spread of COVID-19 in three directions. In particular, through the establishment of algorithms and the provision of a mass testing system (at the outpatient and inpatient levels), by strengthening the capacity and availability of certain health facilities that accept patients with COVID-19, and also by improving the working conditions of medical staff.

The draft law provides for the possibility of attracting interns and medical specialists without assignment or confirmation of qualification to participate (on a volunteer basis) in events on counteracting COVID-19 under the terms and subject to the restrictions that the Ministry of Health will determine.

The bill also provides for an increase in the amount of temporary disability benefits to health workers who are under self-isolation, taking into account a contact with a COVID-19 patient in the line of duty, up to 100% of the average wage (income) regardless of the length of service.

The allowance for citizens under self-isolation and under medical supervision should be 50% of the average salary, regardless of the length of service.

In addition, the bill provides for a change in the PCR testing algorithm on COVID-19 for budget funds. In particular, the Ministry of Health should ensure the organization of testing at the outpatient and inpatient levels, depending on medical indications, in accordance with industry standards for medical care.

Mandatory testing should be conducted for persons seeking medical care with the signs of COVID-19 and those who have established contact with them.

In addition, regular testing is mandatory for physicians and other employees of medical institutions that provide medical care to patients with COVID-19, as well as for people who carry out activities related to preventing the spread of coronavirus disease, including for employees of the National Police and the National Guard, regardless the fact whether they had contact with patients with COVID-19.

The bill obliges the Ministry of Health to ensure the mandatory publication and updating on the official website of daily information on the results of testing on COVID-19 and the number of tests performed at the outpatient and inpatient levels, as well as weekly information on the provision of health facilities with medicines, medical devices, medical equipment, medical consumables (including PPE), and information on the number and qualifications of attracted medical personnel with a mandatory indication of a particular healthcare institution.

The Ministry of Health will also be required to publish weekly information on the procurement, receipt (including as humanitarian or charitable assistance) and the distribution of medicines, medical devices, medical equipment and supplies for the fight against COVID-19 with a mandatory indication of the amount of such materials, their cost and sources of financing.

In addition, the Ministry of Health will be obliged to publish a methodology for calculating the needs of health care facilities in medicines, medical devices, medical equipment and supplies to combat COVID-19.
